Kazoku ni Yōkoso

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Session Breakout Strategy | Link

Range Filter + MA Strategy | Link

3SMMA + Fractal Strategy | Link

StochRSI + MA Strategy | Link

What Broker Should I Use?

(Almost) Any Forex broker you like! 

If you choose to use PineConnector like I do, you can use almost any broker you like with MetaTrader4 or MetaTrader5. Personally, I use OspreyFX through MetaTrader 5. They have great leverage and tight spreads.

Another great broker is Oanda. They have decent spreads and work great with TradingView. You can use both PineConnector and AutoView with Oanda.

PineConnector - This is my preferred method to 'listen' for alerts from TradingView and trade them in real-time on MetaTrader5. PineConnector will work with any broker available on MetaTrader. PineConnector has a 7-day free trial and is only $14.90/mo ($149.00/yr.).

AutoView - AutoView is another great way to 'listen' for alerts generated by Kintsugi Strategies. Unfortunately, AutoView only works with the handful of forex brokers listed on their website, the best being Oanda. AutoView is FREE for demo accounts and $24.99/mo. ($269.99/yr.) for live accounts.

How to setup PineConnector & AutoView

Thanks to Zen & The Art of Trading

How do I use PineConnector to connect TradingView and MetaTrader?

Great Question! 

The answer is an Expert Advisor (EA) provided by PineConnector.

How do I use AutoView to connect to TradingView to my broker?

Another Great Question! 

Head over to AutoView and download the Google Chrome Extension that 'listens' for the TradingView Alerts


How do I Auto Trade on MetaTrader with AWS?

So you have been auto-trading profitably with your Kintsugi Strategies for some time and want to put the whole system in the cloud? Great, you can!